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Insurance Reimbursement


  Prime Fitness Program  

  Silver Sneakers Program  


Blue Cross Blue Shield (BC/BS) offers their clients a fitness program
with a $25 enrollment fee and a cost of $25 per month.
An application has been submitted to add J. Cleo Thompson
Wellness Center to the list of fitness locations.

In order to make that happen, BC/BS needs to hear from YOU.

The more interest shown, the more likely they are
to add our facility to their list of approved locations.

Please contact BC/BS at 1-888-762-2583 and let them know
you are interested in the fitness program and would like to have
J. Cleo Thompson Wellness Center added to their list of facilities.


Similarly, United Healthcare offers programs for gym
and wellness center memberships.
You can call UnitedHealthcare's Customer Care team at
for more information about the referral process


Aetna offers a program for their clients that will reimburse them
for just participating in some type of fitness program.
Here's how you can sign up:

  1. Go to www.Aetna.com 
  2. Log in to your Aetna account
  3. Choose the Health Programs Tab
  4. Then choose the Fitness Reimbursement Program
  5. Follow the instructions to sign up!

Once you sign up with a participating health program
you can start getting reimbursed.
You just have to fill out a reimbursement form and submit your receipts.